By: JBH Wonders
These are my comments about the impending “Cap & Trade” agreements regarding Carbon Dioxide (C02) “emissions”. All of the negative talk from the politicals regarding C02 is a lot of political nonsense and propaganda. I even hear that the federal EPA may consider listing C02 as a “harmful substance” or some such. <It may have had already>
In case the local public has not already heard from other sources, C02 is an INERT GAS. It is NOT POISENIOUS to the human body or any other breathing mammal on this planet. C02 is actually a very needed gas in the natural balance of our environment. We living souls (AKA “humans”) and mammals breathe IN oxygen and breathe OUT C02. It so happens that all (or most at least) vegetation on planet Earth REQUIRES C02 to survive. And, the vegetation gives off the oxygen that we need. This is basic science 101. A pretty good balance don’t you think?
I would also like to point out that vehicles with internal combustion engines emit Carbon Monoxide (“CO” or “C101”) which IS toxic to our bodies. The vehicle emissions detectors that are used in some states measure the levels of Carbon Monoxide (“CO” or “C101”), NOT Carbon Dioxide (C02).
Also note that C02 has been used for years to make soda pop. There is also some content in certain adult beverages. And, because C02 is “inert” (not toxic, non flammable, not explosive, etc), it is used as a “propellant” for certain products that we drink or otherwise consume.
So we should be concerned about any agenda these bozos in charge have rather than C02.
As a side note, “global warming” is also a political farce if you have not already heard.
So if our so-called representatives are lying about C02, what else are they lying about?
Wake up folks. Don’t listen to the political liars.
Comments Welcome!