by JBH Wonders
Disagreements between individuals, business entities, clients, customers, etc usually do not have a common label of “anti” anything. Disagreements such as these are usually and rightfully resolved by fair-minded people in some mutually agreeable manner. It just makes good sense to keep the peace and avoid hard feelings and even maintain profits sometimes.
Likewise, any disagreements or arguments with any government actions “laws”, or policies should not, must not be construed as, and therefore be labeled as, “anti-American” or “anti government”. The facts, truth and the proof thereof should always be sought after and shared regardless of the “polarity”. There are good (positive) things to know about and there are also bad (negative) things to know about. The 1st amendment of the Constitution of these united states of America recognizes our inalienable right to express our opinions without being punished for it.
One of the reasons that this country may becoming divided is because too many individuals are concentrating on the “positive” feel good things and labeling objections to certain government actions as “anti”(negative).
“Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath”. James 1:19
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