by: JBH Wonders

The Suggested Links are websites that I frequently visit. These are informative and entertaining perhaps. I offer no endorsement of them here and I am not being compensated for posting their links.

Note: The Links to Drawings and Documents for Wood Projects and the Hand Pump Project are Now Working Again.

***Edit from JBH Wonders daughter: This blog belonged to my father. He unfortunately lost his battle with cancer in March 2018. I'm sure he would still welcome comments on any of his postings, but please respect his wishes to keep them short and CLEAN, and please be RESPECTFUL of him. He was a brilliant man of few words with lots of good information to offer, which is why he created this blog. Thank you to all his faithful readers. -Jessica

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some thoughts on the creation of our physical being

by JBH Wonders

I had a thought. This happens to everyone sometimes perhaps. The content of the thought does not matter. What I was wondering was, where did that “thought” come from? Did it come from my soul? My inner child? My spirit? My evil twin?

Since man has determined that the brain is our most complex bodily organ and we still don’t know all of the complexities of it, I will assume for now that my thoughts are coming from my brain organ. It may be that our souls and/or spirit reside within our brain organ just to make it accessible to our physical existence.

So, if that is true, I started to ponder about this further. The brain organ would be pretty helpless by itself. There would be no way for it to acquire the basic needs of an organism. To name a few, that would be nourishment, shelter, protection, and a way to propagate.

To continue along this line of logic; here is my brain-a complex organ totally helpless by itself. So, my designer encased it within a hard, core material (bone) for protection from the Earthly elements. This encasement grew as I grew and can repair its self (and has in my case) as the need arises.

Every organic thing that we know of requires nourishment or “fuel” just to keep going, that is, to survive. In order for my brain organ to get nourishment, I was given additional body parts to facilitate this.

My brain and its case (head) are attached to a mainframe (we call this the torso) via a flexing mechanism (neck). The mainframe also has appendages attached. And through a complex network of levers, fulcrums, and hinges (muscle, tendons, joints etc), these appendages can move! This gives my head with my brain mobility to travel via my legs and pick up things with my hands and arms.

To facilitate my mobility, my brain case also has organs (eyes) that refract the light and its effects on material objects and sends encrypted signals to my brain. My brain then takes these signals and compares them with a database of other eye signals that started the day I was born. So, I can “see” and recognize objects.

In a similar manner, my brain case also has organs that receive disruptions in the surrounding air currents and air pressure. These disruptions send signals to my brain for comparison with other signals that I have “heard” since the day that I was born. So within my limits of experience, I can hear and interpret speech, recognize natural sounds of nature, and, unnatural sounds.

In another similar manner, my braincase contains organs that allow me to detect different odors- be they pleasant, not pleasant, or dangerous to my being. My other organs and appendages also work for my self-preservation.

So, back to the issue of the brain requiring nourishment. Everything my brain is connected to also requires nourishment. And pretty much all of my body is used to accomplish this including the mouth and internal organs.

The human body is an amazing and wonderful design indeed!

“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Psalm 139:14, KJV Bible

1 comment:

  1. Our brain is a very complex Organ indeed. But without the other appendages, our Brain would not know fear, danger, odors. Our Father in Heaven designed us quite uniquely.


Comments are welcome but please keep them short and CLEAN.
Edit from JBHWonders daughter: This blog belonged to my father. He unfortunately lost his battle with cancer in March 2018. I'm sure he would still welcome comments on any of his postings, but please respect his wishes to keep them short and CLEAN, and I'll add RESPECTFUL of him. He was a brilliant man of few words with lots of good information to offer, which is why he created this blog. Thank you to all his faithful readers. -Jessica