by JBH Wonders
As I write this, 536 clowns in Washington D.C. (the House
of Representatives plus the Senate plus the president) are
performing a political posturing act over the national budget to avoid a “fiscal
cliff”. Meanwhile the rest of the nation is on pins and needles awaiting a
decision so they will know how to act and do business in the year of 2013.
Stocks and bonds are being sold off, new employment and reinstated employment
has stagnated or has become worse. The “official” numbers are cooked to make the-powers-that-be look good. Despite what we hear
about the “official” unemployment rate, the real unemployment rate is much worse.
And nobody knows how to deal with
“The Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act (PPACA)” aka “Obama care”. All we know is that
it will be a costly nightmare based on similar attempts in other nations.
Who are these government people?
Why are we allowing them to destroy us? Will we allow it to happen? Why do we
co-operate with their dictates when we know it will be harmful to us? “We ought to obey God rather than
men”. (Acts
5:29, KJV Bible) Why do we not just defy the bastards? They are highly
outnumbered (I hope).
How about the farmers continue to
farm and grow food and raise animals?
How about the builders keep
How about the grocers keep
selling food?
How about the truckers keep
How about the repairmen keep
How about the entertainers keep
entertaining (and stay out of politics)?
How about the engineers keep
designing and inventing?
How about the parents keep parenting?
How about the entrepreneurs keep
dreaming and investing?
How about the medical doctors
keep treating the sick and injured?
How about the petroleum drillers
keep drilling?
How about the dentists keep
drilling and filling?
How about the honest moneylenders
provide the capital for business building and expansion?
How about the greedy bankers take
a flying leap to (well never mind).
And this list could go on and on.
The point is that we “the public” do not need those clowns in “high places” to
tell us what to do to survive, prosper and pursue happiness.
We do not need those government
people. If they are not going to listen to us and serve us, then they have no authority over
us. We are governed by them only by our consent.
If they are acting outside of
their authority as proscribed in the Constitution, then they have no authority.
We are supposed to be a nation of just and proper laws and not to be subject to
a bombardment of statutes and dictates.
“When the righteous are in authority, the
people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn” (Proverbs 29:2, KJV Bible).
“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the
government fears the people, there is liberty.” (Thomas Jefferson)
Comments Welcome!