By JBH Wonders, September 2012
Why do most people think that if
ONE MAN signs a piece of paper with a $1000 ink pen (,
the paper becomes the “law of the land”. Why do we comply with/obey these
things? Oh yes, there is a fanfare of complaints but why just complain? How
about ignoring these “mandates” and just laugh at them? Supposedly, any “law
repugnant to the Constitution is void”. (John
Marshall, Marbury v. Madison
And where are our so-called
representatives when this mischief is going on?
Why is ONE MAN allowed to decide and order the printing of
$40 billion dollars of un-backed “money”
every month “…until conditions improve…”? (
This is a disastrous decision that will affect everyone in these united states.
Why is one ONE MAN wearing a
black dress and pounding a toy mallet allowed to declare that a young mother of
five children does not deserve a new trial when overwhelming evidence was
presented which proves that her first trial was a sham, she is innocent, and she
does not deserve to spend the rest of her life in prison? (
Why would a successful business
obey ridiculous government dictates to the point where it puts them out of
business? (
Why are 8 coal mines being forced to shut shown with a loss
of 1200 jobs when coal is used to generate 80% of Ohio’s electrical power? (
What are we going to replace the coal with?
Why was a group of Amish men convicted
of federal “hate crimes” because of a conflict with other Amish men.
Why would a people in general
obey ridiculous, immoral and unhealthy government dictates to the point where
it puts their health, wealth, and life at risk? (“We ought to obey God rather than man”. Acts 5:29)
Why do people stand idly by or
just make a video when someone is being severely injured or killed by over
zealous law enforcement officer(s)? (Do an internet search, there are numerous
Why are young children being tazed,
handcuffed and have charges filed against them by the police for minor
behaviour infractions? (Do an internet search, there are numerous examples).
Why are the
right and just actions for our problems seem to be obvious to everyone except
those in power.
I have to keep my head wrapped in
duct tape just to keep it from exploding from witnessing all of this insanity!
We must get informed and stay
informed. “Knowledge is power”. The sources of information listed in this
article are only but a few. Here are a few more that I would suggest:,,,, and channel 212 on Dish
TV. There are numerous others of course.
Comments Welcome!