by: JBH Wonders

The Suggested Links are websites that I frequently visit. These are informative and entertaining perhaps. I offer no endorsement of them here and I am not being compensated for posting their links.

Note: The Links to Drawings and Documents for Wood Projects and the Hand Pump Project are Now Working Again.

***Edit from JBH Wonders daughter: This blog belonged to my father. He unfortunately lost his battle with cancer in March 2018. I'm sure he would still welcome comments on any of his postings, but please respect his wishes to keep them short and CLEAN, and please be RESPECTFUL of him. He was a brilliant man of few words with lots of good information to offer, which is why he created this blog. Thank you to all his faithful readers. -Jessica

Sunday, January 27, 2013

More Tax Demands from a Dead Horse

I’ve noticed in the past few years that some local newspapers dedicate one or more full pages listing foreclosures and sheriff sales on local properties. These listings occur one or more times per month and it may be a regular service that the newspapers provide. That is not however the point that I wish to make in this article.

Some of the good folks in these united states of America are struggling to make mortgage and tax payments after they have lost their income due to the loss of a job, a cut in pay, a drop in sales receipts, etc. And unfortunately some have lost or will lose their property and homes due to a foreclosure.

So various towns and states are losing revenue due to the above and that is caused by a slacking economy. When the income stream of a private company or “ma and pa” business starts to decline, what do they do? Well most would attempt to reduce their costs and overhead by doing such things as: stream line their operations more, negotiate for a reduced cost in raw materials, and sadly, sometimes make reduction in staff. Do these businesses raise the price of their finished goods for their remaining customer base? No. Oh there may be some instances where the market can stand a higher end cost depending on the rarity of the product. But if the customer can go get the same widget somewhere else for less cash, then that is where they will usually go.

So what does the local town, county, and state, do? Reduce spending? Cut new and worthless programs? Well, sometimes they do, a little. But the first and foremost agenda always seems to squeeze more revenue out of the public. This is attempted by increasing the rates of existing taxes for the remaining few (the tax base). This would include property taxes, licensing taxes, registration taxes and the like. If a sales tax already exists, they will be itching to increase the take. If it does not exist, someone will come up with the brilliant idea of initiating one with the pretext that it will solve all of the revenue problems. And there are always “creative” new tax revenue streams that are proposed like special taxes on private water wells, soft drinks and others even more outrageous. So the state (all government levels) always makes an attempt to maintain the status quo at the expense of whoever is left to fund them.

When I read the local news, it seems that most public schools are on a continuous quest for  more funding even though most public schools are already over-funded and not doing a very good job with our children. And they waste money for highly architectured buildings with flashy marquees at the grounds entrance. But that is another subject altogether.

Yes there is upkeep. Yes there are improvements and someone’s pet project that are in the works. But it is past time for our governments at all levels to realize that the public is squeezed dry. There is no more money. There are not enough jobs. Our villages, towns and states are barely supporting us in the form of paid work. This is causing an exodus of the people. That is, the states “tax base”. They are seeking their fortune and means of survival elsewhere. And who can blame them?

So what people are thankfully beginning to realize is that concerning “our” government, there is too much waste and little or no accountability for the waste. The public schools continue to expand with frivolous amenities for the school building and classroom. And the staff, being under the wings of the teachers unions (NEA, AFT, EFA) continue to receive unmerited increases in pay and perks.

When will “our trusted governments” become responsible to the people at large and do what must be done (or not done). Any special projects should be put on hold for awhile. Expenses should be slashed they should make do with what they already have. Allow some time for a recovery. “O spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go hence, and be no more.”(Psalm 39:13)
That is what we the people at large have always had to do.
“And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.” I Timothy, 6:8

1 comment:

Comments are welcome but please keep them short and CLEAN.
Edit from JBHWonders daughter: This blog belonged to my father. He unfortunately lost his battle with cancer in March 2018. I'm sure he would still welcome comments on any of his postings, but please respect his wishes to keep them short and CLEAN, and I'll add RESPECTFUL of him. He was a brilliant man of few words with lots of good information to offer, which is why he created this blog. Thank you to all his faithful readers. -Jessica