Quips & Snippits by JBH Wonders
This is a compilation of thoughts that have occurred to me over
the years.
or other confrontational
· One day they (the state/government) will
demand too much from the people and will receive no more. (A little tax is
tolerable. Too much is not. The “state” must learn this)
· Since the government likes to stick its nose into our business, we
should give it less business to sniff at.
· Our so called “rulers” these days are elected I think by “...people who have perished (or will perish)
for lack of knowledge...” (Hosea 4:6).
· The recognition of any proclaimed right can be effectively nullified
if one is outnumbered or out gunned.
· When the good people are armed and able
to protect themselves the bad people are at bay.
· The U.S.A. is nation of sheep being
governed by wolves (we must correct this).
· Some “Leaders" seem to be verbose
people who have a tendency to point out the obvious to minion targets in order
to build their egos.
• Just because a government agency tries to nail someone does not
mean one is guilty.
• One school that everyone must
attend and graduate from is TSOHK University (The School Of Hard Knocks).
Sometimes post graduate work is necessary.
· Perhaps we should avoid reflecting on the past. Especially if there is
not a nice reflection.
• Ideally, any individual can lead or they can follow. But if one is leading, one must be listened to. And if one is following, one must be spoken to.
• We are free in life to do as we wish but not at the expense of others.
(“For every man shall bear his own burden.” Galatians 6:5,
· Consistency breeds efficiency.
If at the end of the day all is not done, it is OK if you still had some fun.
· It is better to be prepared for something that does not happen than to
not be prepared for something that does happen.
· If one thinks that he is at the top but
there is no bottom with nothing or no one supporting him, then one is just
hanging in the air.
· One way to progress in life and other
endeavors is to quickly recover from ones mistakes.
· Don't let going to work be the
· If you blame others for your problems then you have given others the
power to cause you problems.
· If I spent one day doing one thing then I
might get one thing done.
· I’m a tall man who likes to keep a low
profile. It can be lonely at the top or bottom.
· If you don't know what you are talking
about...don't talk about it. Ask about it.
· One can accomplish little if they spend
all their time listening to another give them instructions.
· In the game of life’s trials, one strike
does not put you out of the game. OK, three strikes may put you out- depending
on the rules. Just remember that one is always free to start another game.
• Do
not run in fear of your enemies, stand and wait for their hate to weaken them.
· If my ideas inspire greater men to do good things then that is
enough. I won 't declare that "my" work was infringed upon.
· Don’t always praise others at the expense
of yourself. (Don’t say they did it well & I could not have).
· Only follow another’s lead if you agree
with where they are going AND how they are getting there. (Don’t’ walk through
fire to jump over a cliff).
· We all start out with the same thing.
Where we end up depends on how we lived.
(What was our faith, values, and strength?)
· Avoid Talking too tough. It could give a
potential enemy the advantage of an early warning.
· Of all God's creations on earth, surely man is the only thing
"intelligent" enough to harm himself deliberately. (smoking, drugs,
alcohol, etc)
· How far should one stick their neck out to help someone who has their
head buried in the sand?
· Every child of woman is nine months older than they say they are. (Think about it)
· It has been my observation that the
wealthy and powerful use their wealth and power to maintain and expand their
wealth and power. "But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight
themselves in the abundance of peace." (ref: Psalms 37:11)
· One must exercise his God given talents
to be obedient and profitable. Our Creator expects us to use the talents that
he has given us. (ref: Ecclesiastes 9:10)
· God made me tolerable-not perfect.
· If one is a lost sheep, maybe it is
better to stop wandering and wait for the master (shepherd) to find you.
· And alas I found God (YHWH). He was not missing nor hiding. One
must seek to find.
· For a true righteous rush, close your eyes and breathe in the
wind when it blows (really).
· A piece of thought for those of us who
are "…slow of tongue…" (ref: Exodus 4:10)
Walk with confidence, Speak with intelligence, Lead by example!!!
· The World (Earth as we know it) is such a
wonderful piece of engineering that it can only be described as a Creation
by God. (man can “engineer”, “make”, “build”, etc, but NOT Create)
· I had to touch bottom before I realized how
far up is.
· What does one do when you are tired of
everything? Just pray to God and sit it out until Spring.
· Nature is the only thing that one can
depend upon. When it rains it is wet. When it snows it is cold. When it is
sunny anything could apply.
· Pray for inspiration and guidance as the
day begins not when it is over.
· Take any path provided by God and go when
you are told. Any other way is dangerous.
· Some reflections on the separation of a
man and woman:
If a “difference” occurs and all is eventually made well, the hurt
will be forgotten through time. The battle wounds will also heal and will be
covered by the skin of a renewed love. If all is not made well, time will
relieve the hurt but each will be left with an ugly scar caused by the man and
woman being literally torn apart.
Back / Negative Comments
· The next time someone a little too proud
states that “they broke the mold after they made me”, you might retort by
saying it must have been dropped on the way to the dump.
· I would feed my enemy if he were starving
but not enough to make him grow fat.
· Don't waste my time telling me (or asking) how busy I am.
· Verbosity is no indication of
· Job Satisfaction is Diminished When one
is Not Permitted to Pick the Fruit of their Labor.
· You might be disagreeable if:
You are bossy, You are arrogant, You constantly point out the
obvious, If you believe that your way is the only way, If you miss-inform
someone only to "correct" them later, If you are a little too
prideful about minor accomplishments (or pointing out the obvious)
· A micro managed organization is like a
spoked wheel without a rim. The only thing holding the wheel together is the
hub (micro manager). All of the strength in the spokes (people in the
organization) is only directed toward the hub and not to the other spokes.
· It's ironic. Some of the most stressful
tasks are like running a 100 yard dash while others are tripping and throwing
rocks at you. These "others" are the ones that want you to win. (This
means that if you want the job DONE, THEN LEAVE ME ALONE TO DO IT! !!!!)
· It seem that as we get older, we get
· A man should always endeavor to keep his brains above his
belt buckle.
· It may be that we don’t see ourselves as
other’s see us because our eyes are as old we are.
· My train of thought seems to have been
· Dog is Man's best Friend. Until it pees
on his slippers
· Wasting time is a waste of time.
· The trouble with slicing beets is that one cannot tell if you have
hurt yourself. And, if you have never sliced beets then you have no idea what
this means.
· How much oatmeal should you feed a toddler? No more than you are
willing to clean up.
· In my quest to make conversation, I tend
to ask dumb questions.
· Sometimes I believe that everyone knows
more than I do. They just need a little encouragement to prove it. (In my
endeavors to make conversation, I sometimes say stupid things).
· All of the Complex support for a
"Mechanism" would not be needed if the "Mechanism" weren’t
so damned Complex.
· Don't ever show a perplexed look. Too often
someone will explain the simplest things to you in great detail.
· A fatal mistake can only be made once.
· Do we do what we do because it IS what we do? Or is it because of what we don't do?
· If an old hammer can drive a new nail
then a new hammer should be able to drive an old nail. Most new radios can
still tune in AM stations. A new pair of scissors can cut old fabric. So, why
make it different with computers?
· (This one is kind of naughty). The
expression of “”holy shit!”” should not be used when observing a lovely woman’s
backside. It can take the excitement out of the situation.
· The only time one is wrong is when others
(The Ten Commandments excepted)
· There are more assholes in the world than
there are people.
· No man is good enough for any of my
daughters. I just trust them to find someone that they can work with.
· Never leave a restroom smiling. (Think
about it)
· Even
with your eyes closed, you may still see a silhouette of your nose.
There are so many bad and evil things going on
these days. Most people are “asleep” and don’t know about any of it. Our best
relief and source of hope is our gift from God. The Bible. I’ve come to believe
this with all my heart. And from time to time, I think that He inspires some of
His children to present something for others to ponder upon. Clean “humour” is
often the result. Other results are art, music, prose, etc. So, consider it a
blessing if something of this sort touches you.
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Edit from JBHWonders daughter: This blog belonged to my father. He unfortunately lost his battle with cancer in March 2018. I'm sure he would still welcome comments on any of his postings, but please respect his wishes to keep them short and CLEAN, and I'll add RESPECTFUL of him. He was a brilliant man of few words with lots of good information to offer, which is why he created this blog. Thank you to all his faithful readers. -Jessica